Cool! I was able to come across a study/puzzle! I want to share it with you. Yessir, what a complicated yet short one it was. The next one is a long study 🙂 Well, that’s all for now. Bye! 🙂
Chess essay
Cool! I was able to come across a study/puzzle! I want to share it with you. Yessir, what a complicated yet short one it was. The next one is a long study 🙂 Well, that’s all for now. Bye! 🙂
Here is a certain puzzle I got wrong. Whites’ main idea is just to promote the pawn. It’s as easy as that.
On September 5, 2020, I decided to participate in a long, four-round tournament that dragged on for two days. I first played in the K-12 youth section, then on the second day, U2000. Usually, I would expect at least 2 points, but this was a baseline. I was able to learn many new tactical motifs. … Read moreSeptember Action Swiss: K-12 & U2000
When you have the bishop pair in an open position and are not down any material, you either Destroy your opponent Crush your opponent (happens more often) Defeat your opponent When that happens, you usually have a big smile on your face. Like this example. Basically, Bishops (and bonus if it’s the bishop pair!) tend … Read moreThe Bishop pair-Every chess players worst enemy.
When two players set up the chess pieces to play, you expect a fierce battle over the board, Right? What if I told you this: A player loses a piece in the opening, and, never giving up hope, launches an attack which proves decisive for his surprised opponent. This is one such example. Even when … Read moreIt’s not over until it’s over!
Imagine this: A player, as white, starts with a gambit, sacrificing a pawn for a development advantage. He goes on to win the sacrificed pawn back, but his bishop is undeveloped still, and his pieces are forced into passivity after black opens up the position. White loses the exchange, and, later, the game. This is … Read moreDominating against passive play